The society has also instituted various Oration Awards. These orations are of
immense repute and delivered by doctors who have established their name and
credentials in the medical field. As of now there are 10 Orations which are being
Orations List
Annual Orations (to be awarded in annual conference of GSI)
- Presidential Oration – Annually
- Sri Sunku Subrahmanyam Memorial Oration
- Dr. K. C. Mohanty Oration
- J. J. Rao Oration
- Dr. B. C. Bansal & Dr. C. Prakash Oration
- Bamacharan – Hemlata Dhar Oration
- Dr. B. N. Srivastava & Saran Dulari Oration
Mid-Term Orations (to be awarded in Mid-Term conference of GSI)
- Dr. G. Subramaniyam Reddy Oration
- Bharatji Gulati Oration
How to apply annual oration
Kindly apply for the annual oration by 31st August giving your CV in one page, topic
of your oration & your work.
How to apply Mid-Term oration
Kindly apply for the annual oration by 31st January giving your CV in one page, topic
of your oration & your work.
- The applicant should be a life member of the Geriatric Society of India.
- The awardee has to register for the conference if the same is not waived off
by Org. Secretary.
- The orator must submit the written text of the oration in the form of an article
for Indian Journal of Geriatric Care.
- The awardee will present his oration lecture & will be awarded oration scroll &
a gold plated medallion.
- There is no provision of any TA / DA.